Share Your Stories

Help us recover and interpret the histories of inundated communities! Contribute your digitized photographs, documents, or other artifacts, and share what you know about and your memories of such places.

Contribute Your Stories and Artifacts

Here are some examples of the kinds of information you might share:

The name of a displaced community not in our directory, along with its location, the year it was displaced, etc.

Artifacts and objects like photographs, letters, journals or diaries from people who were displaced by the construction of a large dam.

Historical documents about inundated communities, like a newspaper report.

Your or your family’s story about living in one of these communities.

Corrections or additions to the information in our directory.

An oral history you've recorded with someone who used to live in one of these communities.

Get Started

Community Artifacts

Explore highlighted artifacts contributed by the community.

Artifact One

Artifact Two

Artifact Three

Artifact Four

Artifact Five

Community Stories

Read stories contributed by the community. Have your own story to share? Use the link above!